You can use this form to forward your comment, suggestion or complaint in a secure manner to the responsible person at the Bureau de la qualité des services. The information you provide is protected and remains confidential.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.
Surname *
Given name *
Apartment or office
Postal code
Phone number to reach you during the day * Extension
Other phone number
E-mail address
Type of the comment, suggestion or complaint Comment Complaint
Source of the comment, suggestion or complaint Citizen Other
Other, please specify
Nature of the comment, suggestion or complaint Other Ability to listen, attention and empathy Access to services Clarity of language Complexity of procedure Confidentiality Courtesy and respect Eagerness and processing time Neutrality and justice Physical appearance of the facilities or website Reliability of information or input error Results or decision rendered Service charge
To help us properly process your comment, suggestion or complaint, please provide contact information for the person concerned. It will be used to obtain additional details on your comment, suggestion or complaint.
Surname of the person concerned
Usual first name of the person concerned
Date of birth
Registration number or file number
Identity of persons with whom you communicated (names, functions dates, phone numbers)
Description of the comment, suggestion or complaint *
Describe the service that you wished to receive
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© Gouvernement du Québec, 2007